E-Publishing Services
E Publishing involves storage of information in electronic or digital
form, instead of paper. E publishing gives authors the opportunity to reach a global
audience in a cost effective manner. Also, E publishing is the happening phenomenon
in the present day knowledge economy!
We handle projects based on stringent specifications and develop customized tagging
systems including hyper-linking to external documents, internet site, table of contents
and document indexes. After document or data capture, SGML/ XML tags are applied
using high-end software or through manual rendition by experienced document editors.
We help publishers to convert their content to XML, MathML, SGML, HTML and/or PDF
so that the content can be viewed through browsers or download as e-Books that can
be read on PCs or multiple handheld PDA devices. Our aesthetically designed Glass
books offer full-color display of e-book pages, including Adobe PDF documents. Searching,
book marking, highlighting and annotating are some of the useful built-in functionalities.
We create DTD and design system for predefined DTD like Doc book, NITF, NewsML etc.
Our team has expertise in almost all formats and tools that are in use in ePublishing
media today. The raw formats we can work on are MS Word (RTF), Quark, Text, PDF,
Pagemaker, Image Files TIFF, image PDF, JPEG, MSS, Word, TeX/LaTeX, XTG, HTML, SGML,
INDD, QXD etc.) as well as hard copies. To achieve this, we make use of in house
developed tools as well as commercial applications.
Pricing is based on services, length of text, kind of graphics and amount of tabulated
information in text etc.
Shrigen has a proven record of leveraging the Internet for its business and is ranked
high on many search engines. We have developed many software workflow packages in-house
for the above conversions that are compatible to any ePublishing requirement.
contact us with your requirement to get more detail...